The yxo. Hair Serum formulation contains over 25 highly effective ingredients, as well as extracts from plant stem cell cultures. Classic ingredients such as D-panthenol, ethyl panthenol, caffeine, biotin, etc. serve to round off the spectrum of action. In addition, the yxo. Hair Serum contains several active ingredients that block the enzyme 5ɑ-reductase and thus almost completely prevent the development of the DHT cascade (conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone). This almost completely eliminates the main factor of androgenic hair loss.
The main responsible for the unique hair growth is the orchid stem cell. Never before has it been used on the scalp. And the fact that it is used at yxo. is also only due to a coincidence, because in itself a team of researchers was busy developing a new orchid stem cell cream against skin aging.